Shift the focus to Systems, not Goals.

A goal is an end result you wish to achieve.

For example, your goal could be buying a 2022 JEEP WRANGLER, building a MANSION or relocating ABROAD.

The problem with goals is that it’s easy to lose motivation.

​​ Some goals can take months and sometimes years to reach.

That initial drive to accomplish your goal will slowly fade with time.

​ This is why ignoring goals and focusing on SYSTEMS is a better approach.

A system is a set of routines.

Instead of buying a 2022 JEEP WRANGLER, focus on a powerful system: Getting a high-income job, monetisable skill or seeking ways to improve on the one you have.

Find mentors whose success you want to replicate. Get their books and trainings. Eat their brains.

Expand your social network by attending a new event every couple of weeks to meet people who play at the level you envisage.

Commit to it daily.

You will naturally exceed your goals when you are system-focused.

Converting the above-mentioned system into a routine will easily turn you into the success you envisage.

You will start making the money without having to make that your focus.

​ You don’t lose motivation because a system simply becomes a life routine that is addictive and automated.

​ When you only operate with a goal in mind, you’re likely to be disappointed.

​ ​When you operate with a system in mind, you become a high-performance individual.

​​ Choose systems.