I’ll Rather You Quit Trying To Be Perfect! Here’s Why!

Don't ever try to be perfect. Don't even try at all. Just push to be the best you.

This way, you free yourself up of any external or self-inflicted unnecessary pressures and you can appreciate your flaws better as a human. Putting yourself on the perfection plane (like I'd done some of these years) will only bring tiredness, exhaustion and probable depression into your psyche.

And you should know this,

Nothing is perfect.

But you will definitely see so many good people or products fighting the 'flaw' war.

This is everybody’s state — even those that look flawless to us are still in this same ‘flaw’ war!
It is a message for those who see imperfection as a brick wall stopping them from doing just anything.

That is the major reason the apps on your phone are always demanding you to update to the 'latest' not 'perfect' version.

The latest self-aware growing you is what you should always strive to become and not a (impossible) perfect you.

Read that again!

Pursuing perfection will leave you quitting even before or immediately after you begin. Be it your life, work, relationship or anything it may be, seeking perfection which all the time is missing will send an 'error' message to you and this makes you weary to make a push.

Setting a standard for a relationship is one of those 'perfect' moments or moves that leaves the majority of us ‘friendless’. He/she has that flaw (maybe smokes, has a disputing ideology or whatever), and so he/she is not fitting (perfect enough) to be a friend.

The same relates to our work life. Relationship. Make you a judgmental/uncreative someone who only seek out to what you ‘perceive’ right! Anything that doesn't sync with this person’s beliefs, ideas, and hobbies is not even to be considered!

The truth is that most of us who live in this frame of ‘personality’ lose creativity exponentially!
How does this happen?

Immediately you lock yourself to external influences this much, and you begin to repel changes. Updating yourself becomes difficult especially when these changes or updates are knit in these ‘unwanted’ omens or people!

And due to humans getting addicted too easily at some stage of accommodating a habit, this person will begin to lose information, and details so fast that his/her creative being will begin to die so fast!

I learned this truth some years back whilst was still in the Uni. It helped me to appreciate everyone, everything the way they come and also leaves me potentially open to learn from everything and everyone.

Knowing that is a way to get better also as a human!