So Today, I Went to The Pigs!

Running a business in current-day Nigeria is like swimming against the tide. You've got all the elements of nationhood working against your effort per time.

You could possibly smell the odds rightly stacked against you and I don't know if it's the same for your country i.e. if you are not a Nigerian.

This blog is not to whitewash the young Nigerian economy but to highlight the mental strength successful Nigerian Businessmen and women are putting up daily. That's a big kudos to us!

That said, I went to see the pigs today. 

Yes, I was called on by one of Win Group's subsidiaries former MD this morning that one of the properties that has been on the market for weeks finally got an interested client. Invariably, since he's no longer on the seat, I am to fill in for him. Which I did really.

This subsidiary is House74 which primarily handles 3rd party real estate sales. 

This means that the properties House74 sells are not House74's! We (House74) encourage landlords who want to offload their properties quickly and profitably to enlist their properties unto our portfolio and we of course sell them... fast.

I knew the property was a farmhouse but I never knew that it actually had animals in it. The last time I was there, I didn't gain access to the house. The gates were locked.

So earlier today, as we entered the farmhouse, we were greeted with some great-looking PIGS. Possibly the most in-shape pigs I have seen in a very long time.

Pretty and dirty, European-looking pigs that seemed happy having us as company. The discussions around the pigs happened more than the price of the farmhouse itself and that says a lot about the pigs.

Here are some pictures from the inspection:

This farmhouse is a self-sell! 

The only livestock farmers (agripreneurs) who might not be interested in this farmhouse are those who don't have the financial might to match up the selling cost (N150M) of this 16-plot large pig estate!

This was the highlight of my day in the life of a real estate entrepreneur.

Do have favourites when it comes to livestock?